How to organise packing by the rooms of your home


While there are many different ways you can pack up your belongings for moving house, one way that can help you stay organised is by packing up your stuff room by room.

Packing room by room

It is always a good idea to pack up your home room by room. This will reduce the likelihood of something getting lost, and make unpacking much easier. Begin with packing the rooms that are used the least. Or, alternatively, fill a couple of boxes in each room with items that aren’t regularly used and label them properly so that you know where the boxes are destined to go upon arrival.

Leave rooms like the kitchen and bathroom till last, as these are the rooms that are likely to be used to most.

Pack an ‘Important Things’ box for each room

There’s always going to be things in each room of the house that you use more than others, so groups these items together so that you have easy access to them once you’ve moved. Items like chargers, kettles, and toasters that are used almost every day should be easy to find when you arrive at your new place so that they can quickly be used again. Be sure to clearly label the boxes that these essential or important items go in so that you can locate them straight away.

Upon Arrival

When you get to your new place, try to get boxes placed in the rooms that their contents will be unpacked. This will make the packing and organising of your new home simpler.

Rather than unpacking randomly, start with the last box you packed, as this should contain the most important or most used belongings.

If the thought of packing up your home seems like a nightmare, then why not get in touch to find out how Intransit can help? We’ve got an expert packing and removals team that operates in Chippenham and throughout the south west that can pack up your home for you. Call us on 01225 759200 to find out more.