How does moving your retail space differ from moving an office? — Wiltshire Removals - Home & Office Removals, Storage

How does moving your retail space differ from moving an office?

How does moving your retail space differ from moving an office?

It’s true that no two moves are ever the same. This is particularly true in commercial moves, as businesses differ incredibly in what they do and the services they offer. Though you may believe that moving a retail space is incredibly similar to moving an office, relocating your shop actually involves a much more structured and controlled process.

Retail requires more set up time

When you open a shop for business, everything has to be in perfect working order otherwise the day’s business could be ruined. This isn’t always the case when it comes to office-based work. No one will worry that much if half of the business files remain in their boxes for the first couple of weeks of your move, and it won’t impact hugely to getting work done. But, leave stock unpacked, and displays not set up, customers will be fussed if they can’t make purchases or find stock.

When you move a shop, you need to make sure that all stock is properly displayed, tills are working, and stockrooms are organised before opening. This will ensure that customers are happy, the business can function properly, and sales can continue to be made.

Retail requires more advertisement

As retail relies on customers visiting the shop and making purchases, it is essential that you advertise your planned move. Large poster in the window of your existing location, leaflets, and telling your customers when they make purchases will help spread awareness. Be sure to include details of your new address and when you’re reopening so that people know where to find you once the move is complete.

You may even want to run some special offers to prevent sales from dwindling. Handing out 10% discount leaflets with a validity date before you move will entice customers to visit your new store. You could also hold a special opening where you offer drinks and edible treats, as well as discounts.

Retail may require moving more than just the shop

When moving retails premises, it is important to remember that it could mean moving much more than simply the contents of your shop. It may also include moving your warehouse, which vastly increases the amount you have to move, and the time it will take for the move to be completed.

You should decide whether to move your warehouse or not in the early stages of planning, so as to avoid any need to extend your reopening date.

If you’re a retail business in the south west and are planning a move, get in touch with Intransit for find out how we can help. We’re a Wiltshire removals company who has expert knowledge in the surrounding area. If you’re looking for help with your move, give us a call on 01225 759200.