Moving Boxes – Plastic or Cardboard?

Moving Boxes – Plastic or Cardboard?

When moving home or office, you’ve got a lot to think about. Choosing what kind of box to use for packing can slip down your list of priorities, but this seemingly unimportant decision could have a serious impact on the smoothness of your home or office removal. We’ve rounded up the pros and cons of each type of box so that you can make a more informed decision.


Cardboard boxes are the go-to material, as they’re generally strong enough to cope with a normal move. However, they don’t always stand up well over time or with repeated use. You should consider all the pros and cons of using cardboard boxes, and then take a careful look at exactly what you need to move, before you decide to use them:


  • These are often more environmentally friendly than the plastic alternative. They can be made from recycled materials, and after a few uses, can then be recycled themselves
  • They tend to be cheaper than plastic, even the reinforced flat-packed boxes like the ones we use
  • They come in many sizes and shapes
  • Easily available


If you’re not planning on unpacking right away, then items stored in cardboard are more susceptible to damage from damp, rough handling, or letting in small pests like silverfish

If you don’t invest in good strong ones, then the bottom may fall out while moving heavy items!


While cardboard is usually strong enough, if you have heavy or delicate items, then you may need to invest in plastic removal boxes. Plastic is also generally the better choice if you have to store your items for a longer period of time.


  • If the weather’s bad, plastic won’t fall apart in the rain!
  • They can be used over and over again, for storage as well as removals
  • Tend to be quite strong, so great for stacking and storing heavy items
  • Some kinds have built-in ridges around the lids and bottoms to fit them securely together, ensuring they are very easy to stack


  • Can be much more expensive than cardboard alternatives
  • Some plastics are not easily recyclable
  • May not be able to flat-pack, therefore taking up more room prior to and just after a removal

In our experience, reinforced cardboard is usually perfectly adequate for any home or commercial removal, but there are times when plastic boxes are clearly the better choice. We stock a wide range of packing materials for all kinds of moves and are always happy to advise you on the right choices for you. We can also help you out during the packing or removal process, so if you need a removals company in or around Chippenham, give us a call on 01225 759200 and see what we can do to help your move go smoothly.