Simple Ways To Help Alleviate Stress when Moving House

Simple Ways To Help Alleviate Stress when Moving House

Most of us are aware that moving home is a stressful experience, but do any of us do anything to combat the build-up of stress during their relocation? Feeling stressed can actually make moving home a lot more complicated and difficult, and can have a serious impact on the way you and your family settle in to their new home.

While stressful situations will inevitably arise during the process of moving house, there are some ways that you can alleviate stress and have an easier, more ‘relaxed’ move. We’ve come up with some suggestions that will help you lower your stress levels and help you have a better moving experience.


Organisation is key to reducing stress levels during your move. Make sure that you’ve got as much as possible organised prior to your moving day, including important documents, and moving details.

Spend some time relaxing each day, rather than just rushing around trying to get everything sorted. Stepping away from boxes and bubble wrap and spending time de-stressing in front of your favourite TV programme, or having a warm bath will help you relax and help declutter your mind- making it easier to pack up your belongings.


Relieving stress on the day of your move is difficult. There’s no denying that your moving day is going to busy, but there are some ways to reduce your stress levels without eating too much into your moving schedule. One of the simplest ways to relieve stress is to just take a break. Stop what you’re doing, close your eyes, take a deep breath whilst slowly counting to four, and then count to eight when breathing out. Do this a couple of times, and you’ll start to notice that you’re feeling calmer.

Another sure fire way of alleviating stress on the day of your move is by popping on the kettle and having a cuppa, so make sure that you leave the kettle, some mugs, and teabags. 


Once the move is complete, you are now tasked with unpacking, which can be equally as stressful, especially if you’re in a rush to return to work and get back to everyday live. Relaxing post-move is important, as it will help you better settle into your new home.

Create an unpacking schedule to help keep stress levels low after your move. This will remind you that you don’t have to unpack everything at once, but also ensure that you won’t have filled boxes left lying around your new house for months.  

If you’re about to move house, but don’t fancy feeling stressed, then why not give us a ring? We can provide everything you need, from removals, packaging, to our expert packing services. We’re an experienced removals company that specialises in helping those who live in Chippenham and surrounding areas relocate, so give us a call on 01225 759200.