How to carry out an inventory check for a new business premises

How to carry out an inventory check for a new business premises

If you’re about to rent an office or commercial premises, you still need to carry out an inventory check, like you would a residential property. This step is often forgotten when it comes to business premises, but it’s really important as it helps to avoid dispute at the end of your tenancy and ensures both you and your landlord are happy. Here are the things you should note throughout your inventory check.

Fire doors and exit routes

A clear fire exit route, along with secure fire doors, are essential in a business property. Fire doors are designed to stop fire spreading for thirty minutes so they should be fitted with effective seals, locks and hinges. They must be automatically closing in the event of a fire, and follow the general route of traffic within the building. There are strict fire and smoke alarm regulations too, you can find out some more information here.

Gas Safety Certificate

It’s your new landlord’s responsibility to test gas appliances and pipe work every year. Make sure you get a copy of the Gas Safety Inspection certificate during your inventory check so you can be sure your business premises is safe for staff and customers.

Electrical appliances and sockets

As with the gas, safety is really important when it comes to electrical appliances and sockets. Check with your landlord that all the appliances have been checked over by an electrician prior to the inventory check. You should also check how many plug sockets there are, and their positioning so you can work out if there are a sufficient number for your business.

Furnished or unfurnished?

If your office or commercial premises is furnished, check that it fits with general fire regulations. If the furniture doesn’t fit, you can ask your landlord to replace the furniture with more suitable pieces. You should also check the general furnishings in the property such as carpet, flooring, and wall furnishings for cleanliness and condition. Anything not up to scratch, remember to note down or take photographic evidence so you don’t have to pay any extra charges when you leave the building. 

Moving business premises can require a lot of planning and input to make sure everything goes to plan. At Intransit removals, we do our best to minimise disruption to your business during the move. For more information or if you’d like a free quote, give us a call on 01225 759200 or you can request a quote online